how to install led tail lights on jeep wrangler

If you have brought a new Jeep wrangler and wants to keep it safe then you must install a LED tail lights on your Jeep wrangler either by yourself or by taking your Jeep wrangler in a garage.

If you want to do the task of installing the Led tail lights by yourselves then read this article with full of attention as cartoolsguide team has described How to install LED tail lights on jeep wrangler in few easy steps.

how to install led tail lights on jeep wrangler

How LED tail lights safeguard your jeep wrangler from accident?

Suppose you are out from the house for a night out with your newly Jeep wrangler and after driving for a long hours you have stopped in a road side hotel for dinner by keeping your Jeep wrangler aside. Now how can other car driver notice your car? But if you have installed a LED tail lights in your car and kept it on after parking your car then it will allow other car driver to notice your car easily which helps in reducing the chances of accident which often happens during the night time for some silly mistakes.

So if you want to avoid these types of silly mistakes and wants to keep your car accident free then scroll down and read this article with full of attention to know how to install LED tail lights on jeep wrangler

How to install LED tail Lights On Jeep Wrangler 2022

how to install led tail lights on jeep wrangler

Now we are going to describe how to install led tail lights in few simple steps which will make your task a lot easier.

If you have a old tail light installed in it then at first remove the old tail light and while removing the old tail lights you should not do the mistake of removing all four screws because the two outer screw actually hold the plastic guard to the light assembly, which helps in preventing the water from leaking inside.

While doing the task you just remove the two inner screws from the old tail light and keep them in a safest place because you have to reuse those two screws while installing the new tail light.

Now grab the tail light assembly and  pull it outwards. Now disconnect the wire plugs from the light bulbs.

Connect the resistor to the brackets by using the screw which has been provided to you. After that tighten the clips by using the pliers to help in fixing them to the Jeep’s body. Now press the clips on to the sheet metal body ribbing until secure to hold the resistor bracket in place. On the passenger side, make sure that resistor and wiring sit up and is out of the way of the tailgate check bar. 

Now install the newly brought LED tail lights with the helps of screw which you have taken in a safest place while removing the old tail light. You must make sure that you should not over tight the screw because if you overtight it then it can crack the housing.

If you want to install guard for taillights then you must scroll down and follow my below given steps

  • Take a rubber stopper and place them on the face of the taillights which will help in protecting the taillight from getting scratched by the guard.
  • Now grab the rear screw and place one washer on each top and loosely install both screws.
  • Install the front screw properly.
  • Now tighten all the four screw until and unless they become snug.


In this article, I have described about how to replace old Led tail lights jeep wrangler and how to install Led tail lights in a step-by-step process which will be pretty easy for you to learn if you follow my every single steps. I think now you have understood the whole process of how to replace the old led tail lights and how to install new LED tail lights on your jeep wrangler.

But if you still have any confusion regarding this then you can feel free to ask me through below comment section.

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