how to clean car battery terminals

Do you want to get long lasting performance from your car battery? If your answer is yes then its important for you to know How to clean car battery terminals. For this task if you call a professional person then you have to pay extra money for it and that’s why it will be better if you learn the process of cleaning the car battery terminals just by reading this article.

On what weather corrosion starts to form on a battery terminals? During Monsoon corrosion will start to form at that time if you clean the battery terminals with a boiled water then it will perform more strongly than ever.

What happens if you don’t clean battery corrosion? If you do not clean battery corrosion then it will cause starting problem and it can even damage your car battery.

To know how to clean battery terminals and the connection points of your car battery scroll down and read this article with full of attention or you can watch YouTube video Just by clicking on the red color link.

How to clean car battery terminals 2022

How to clean car battery terminals

We will describe to you how to clean car battery terminals in a few easiest steps. And if you follow these steps then you can clean car battery terminals by yourself only

Mix up your homemade battery cleaner

The recipe is really simple. In one cup of water, you must mix one tablespoon of baking soda. After that, you should shake it until it’s mixed completely.

Disconnect the cables from your car battery after that you should notice it

before disconnecting the cables from your car battery you should make sure that the car engine is off. Next, open your car battery hood next you must remove the negative battery cables at first. Then you must attach the positive cable of your car battery. There is some old model car whose car batteries remains under their car seat or under the trunk but maximum car batteries remain under the car hood or bonnet.

If corrosion built within your car battery terminals then it can cause a downfall in your car battery performance. While cleaning the battery terminals if you watch any leakage, swollen, or bloated then you must have new car batteries for cold weather.

Scrub the battery terminals by dipping a toothbrush in your homemade cleaner

Now have an old toothbrush from your bathroom with which you do not brush your teeth. Then dip the older toothbrush in a baking soda cleaner then keep on scrubbing the battery terminals of your car battery. It will take a little bit of elbow grease and when you will work you need to clean your toothbrush on a continuous basis.

You must cleanup the terminals thoroughly until and unless the buildup has been totally removed.

After cleaning the residue with water dry it

After removing all the dirts and corrosion from the battery terminals give your car battery a rapid wash. Now you must fill up spray bottle with little bit of water and spray down the terminals. If you do not have a spray bottle with little bit of water and spray down the terminals.

If you do not have a spray bottle then you can wipe everything down with a damp rag.

You must rub petroleum jelly onto the terminals and reattach the cables

When the battery terminals will become dry give a little bit of petroleum jelly to it. If you use petroleum on battery terminals then it will help in keeping lubrication and prevent the battery terminals from falling of further corrosion and this petroleum will help in strengthening the connection.

Next, you should reattach the positive and negative cables of your car battery terminals. If you use too much petroleum jelly then it can cause problems in a poor connection.

When your car battery is creating trouble at that time if you keep your car battery terminals clean then it will surely help you to get starting. To avoid starting problems you must keep the car battery fully charged. If you keep your car battery terminals clean then it will help you to charge the car battery. So you can very easily move within the road in a car.

How to clean car battery corrosion

How to clean car battery corrosion

Now we are going to discuss about How to clean car battery terminals in a few simple steps that are

Disconnect the cables of your car battery

Before cleaning the car battery corrosion you must disconnect the negative cables before the positive cables.

Notice at the cables of your car battery

If your car is not getting start then damaged cables can be the reason for it. If you watched the insulations cables is showing a little bit of corrosion, peeled or cracked in any way. Then you will get some indications at that time you must replace the cables of your car battery straightway.

How to remove corrosion from car battery

You can remove the corrosion from the battery terminals by a homely method. In a glass of water, you must apply a tablespoon of baking soda after that shake it until, and unless the solution is mixed completely after that have a toothbrush that you are not using then dip the toothbrush in a homemade baking soda solution. After that start rubbing the place where corrosion is present after rubbing the area for a while you will be noticed that the corrosion has vanished like magic.

Now dry and clean the car battery

After removing the corrosion from battery terminals you should use a spray of water in the battery terminals to keep your battery terminals clean. After cleaning the battery terminals you must allow your car battery to dry it up.

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Now take some steps which will prevent corrosion

After cleaning and removing the corrosion from a battery terminal you must take few steps which will surely help you to prevent corrosion from your car battery. Use petroleum to lubricate your car battery and it will provide protection from the falling of corossion in your battery terminals.

How to clean car battery terminals without baking soda

how to clean car battery terminals

Now we are going to share about How to clean car battery terminals without baking soda just in a few simple steps

Disconnect the poles at first

Before cleaning the battery terminals of your car the first thing that you must do is disconnect the poles of your car battery at first disconnect the negative pole after that disconnect the positive pole.

Clean the battery terminals with vinegar

if you are now cleaning tha battery terminals with homemade soda then vinegar is really a great homemade product to clean your battery terminals. you must put a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar around the battery terminals with which you can very easily clean the battery terminals.

After cleaning the battery terminals dry it up

After cleaning the battery terminals you must dry it up to get the best result from your car battery terminals.

Take precuation after cleaning the terminals

After cleaning the battery terminals you must take some precuation of how to avoid corrosion. To avoid corrosion you must use petrol in the battery terminals which will keep lubrication in battery terminals and helps to avoid corrosion.

how to clean car battery terminals with vinegar

Now we are going to discuss how to clean car battery terminals with vinegar in a few simple steps

If your car battery terminal is seriously corroded then either use vinegar or you can use baking soda to get rid of corrosion from the battery terminals. Either you will need vinegar or baking soda in this cleaning process.

Make Vinegar and baking soda to clean the solution

Pour 250 ml of vinegar into your spray bottle. Now you must use the spray bottle in a tablespoon of baking soda. You must make sure that you have spray a lot to turn the baking soda into a thick paste.

Clean the battery terminals

Now spray the remaining vinegar on a battery terminal. It is really wiser to spray the vinegar on a terminals clamp. If you evenly spray the vinegar then it will help you to keep in contact with every area of the terminals and their clamps. 

Scrub the battery terminals

Now take an unused brush and dip the brush on a homemade baking soda or in vinegar. Then you must start scrubbing the battery terminals or terminals clamp. You must scrub thoroughly to make sure that it covers every single area.

You must scrub every single clamp and terminal for few minutes unless you noticed a foam has been appearing. With this particular process, you can very easily remove dirt or grime, or corrosion from the battery terminals. You must make sure to scrub as thoroughly as possible.

Clean the terminals and dry it up

After cleaning the terminals you must use spray water to make the battery terminals clean. After cleaning it with water you must dry the car battery to get the best results.

Take Precaution after cleaning terminals

After cleaning the terminals you must take some precautions. So that corrosion does not fall again in your battery terminals. After cleaning the terminals with vinegar apply petrol to the battery terminals which will lubricate the terminals as well help in avoiding corrosion.

You should not use petrol on a too much amount otherwise it will damage the battery terminals.

Best battery terminals for car audio

While having a car most people think about their car engine or if they are real car lovers they might be concerned about their car battery but they will not notice the car audio battery terminals. But without having a good battery terminal for car audio you cannot play music in your car audio that’s why having the best battery terminals for car audio is really a must-have thing.

Not a single battery terminal for car audio will remain for the whole life that’s why you must do proper maintenance of it otherwise it will get damaged. But we have noticed that most car drivers are reluctant they never ever notice the small things like battery terminals of car audio and when they will get the problem out of it they will notice it. But when they will notice the battery terminals at that time everything ends.

So keep notice on your battery terminals for car audio at least once a week otherwise you have to bring a new one within a span of 3-6 months which will be costly for you.

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I think after reading this article you have understood the whole process of how to clean battery terminals in a easiest way. But if you still have any problem regarding the cleaning of battery terminals then you can feel free to ask me through below comment section.

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